American Revolution Vodka 1L
Ships from San Diego, California
American Revolution Vodka is distilled in one of the most scientifically controlled environments possible. At constant temperature, which is critical, the ethanol gets ran through four different rectifying columns that contain thousands of filtering plates. These plates remove nearly all fusel oils, congeners, and other impurities that are left in smaller stills or those containing less filtration plates. We start with a product that is 192 proof, or 95% alcohol and only the cleanest and heart of the of the distillate is left for blending and filtration.
Our water is drawn from a 750 foot Artesian well that is one of the oldest and purest wells in the Northwest. Rocky Mountain Spring water has seeped down and been filtered by volcanic rock and sand. Drawn up from this well, our water only has trace amounts of sulfur and magnesium removed, leaving all the other minerals and goodness inside. This is why we moved our distillery from a brand new building, and built a state of the art facility inside a 130 year old warehouse that sits on top of our well. That is how much we believe in the water that is blended in each bottle.
Our vodka is made from non-GMO, naturally gluten-free corn. Ed feels that the gentle sweetness from corn, and the conversion rate from starch to ethanol exceeded what most ethanol bases had to offer. The corn is a good part of the reason there is a smooth and creamy aftertaste to our vodka and why other amazing American vodkas use it as well.
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